Wednesday, October 1, 2014

2.7 JDBC Introduction, Needs for JDBC

2.7 JDBC Introduction, Needs for JDBC
  -          JDBC introduction given in section – 2.1.

v  Needs for JDBC are as above:
1)      Performance :
§  Connecting to the database is expensive and slow.
§  Pooled connections can be left physically connected to the database
§  And shared amongst the various components that need database access.
§  That way the connection cost is paid for once and amortized across all the consuming components.

2)      Diagnostics :
§  If we have one sub-system responsible for connecting to the database, it becomes easier to diagnose and analyze database connection usage.

3)      Maintainability :
§  Again, if we have one sub-system responsible for handing out database connections.
§  Wer code will be easier to maintain than if each component connected to the database itself.

-          Because JDBC is a Java API, it offers a natural Java interface for working with SQL.
-          JDBC is needed to provide a "pure Java" solution for application development.

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