Wednesday, October 1, 2014

1.2 Enterprise Architecture Styles

1.2 Enterprise Architecture Styles

J2EE Architecture

-          The client/server application architecture.
-          Which was a two-tier architecture.
-          Evolved over time to a multitier architecture.
-          This natural progression occurred as additional tiers were introduced between the end-user clients and back-end systems.
-          Although a multitier architecture brings greater flexibility of design.
-          It also increases the
o   complexity of building,
o   testing, deploying,
o   administering, and
o    maintaining application components.

Two-Tier Architecture

-          The two-tier architecture is also known as the client/server architecture.
-          It consists mainly of two tiers:
o   data and
o   client (GUI).
-          The application logic can be located in either the client tier.
-          Which results in a fat client or located in the data tier.
-          which results in a fat server (see Figure).

[ Figure :  Two-tier architecture. ]

-          This type of architecture suffers from a lack of scalability.
-          Because both the client and the server have limited resources.
-          In addition to the negative effect of network traffic to transfer data to the fat client.
-          Another issue is maintainability.
-          We have to roll out the new system version to all system users.

Three-Tier Architecture

-          To address the issues of the two-tier architecture, the application logic will be placed in its own tier.
-          Thus applications can be portioned into three tiers.
-          The first tier is referred to as the presentation layer, and consists of the application GUI.
-          The middle tier, or the business layer, consists of the business logic to retrieve data for the user requests.
-          The back-end tier, or data layer, consists of the data needed by the application.
-          Figure illustrates the three-tier architecture.

[ Figure : Three-tier architecture. ]

-          The decoupling of application logic from either presentation or data increases the flexibility of the application design.
-          Multiple views or a GUI can be added without changing the existing application logic.
-          Similarly, multiple applications can be created using the same data model.
-          Changing the components of one tier should not impact the other two tiers.
-          For example, any change to the data or GUI will not affect the application logic.

Note :- 1
-          The three-tier architecture is the basis for J2EE applications.
-          In which EJBs provide a mechanism to build application logic.
-          While JSPs and servlets abstract the presentation layer and allow interaction with the business layer.
-          One important feature of the three-tier architecture is sharing system resources by all clients.
-          Which results in :
o   highly efficient,
o   scalable,
o   secure, and
o   reliable applications.

Multitier J2EE Architecture

-          Multitier (or n-tier) architecture differs from the three-tier architecture in viewing each tier logically.
-          Rather than physically.
-          The application logic, for example, can be split into more than one layer; the business logic tier and the presentation logic tier.
-          Similarly, the user interface is partitioned into the client tier and the presentation tier.
-          A multitier architecture determines where the software components that make up a computing system are executed in relation to each other and to the hardware, network, and users.
-          J2EE is a multitier architecture, which partitions the application into client,
o   presentation logic,
o   business logic, and
o   enterprise information tiers.

Note : - 2
-          The J2EE platform is designed not only to support a multitier architecture to partition applications.
-          But also to provide infrastructure common services to reduce the complexity of developing and deploying these applications.
-          Other than multitier, the J2EE architecture provides the enterprise with common infrastructure services.
-          Which help in developing and deploying :
o   portable,
o   secure and
o   transactional applications.

-          The J2EE architecture partitions enterprise applications into three fundamental parts:
o   components,
o   containers, and
o   connectors.

-          Components are the key focus of application developers.
-          Whereas system vendors implement containers and
-          Connectors to hide complexity and enhance portability.
-          Enterprise Java applications can run on any J2EE-compliant application server.

Note :- 3
-          Multitier distributed applications follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm,.
-          This design pattern provides clean separation between tiers.
-          Using this paradigm, the model (data tier) is separated from the view (client and presentation tiers).
-          Similarly, the controller (the application logic tier) is separated from both the view and the model.
-          Containers transparently provide common services :
o   including transaction,
o   security,
o   persistence, and
o   resource pooling, to both clients and components.

-          A container allows the configuration of applications.
-          And components at deployment.
-          Rather than hard-coding them in program code.
-          Connectors extend the J2EE platform.
-          By defining a portable client service API to plug into existing enterprise vendor products.
-          Connectors promote flexibility by enabling a variety of implementations of specific services.